This certification falls under the Microsoft Associate Level Certification Path

The exam covers a wide range of topics related to Security Monitoring, Reporting and Remediation.
If you’re preparing for this exam, you’re going to want to utilise multiple resources. Microsoft offers multiple aids in this department, they offer the SC-200 learn certification pathway, Study Guides and Practice exams, alongside being able to enrol in instructor led training. The SC-200 is one of those exams where when you study for it you find yourself reenacting what you would cover on a daily basis , essentially in the certification your acting as a security engineer , your responsibilities will be to secure your organisation against potential breaches and security incidents.
If you’re on route to taking this certification, be sure to check out the Microsoft certification page to keep up to date with this exam, this exam is scheduled for update on the 4th of March 2024 so there are items in it that have changed sense I last completed it and based of Microsoft certification page there will be additions to the content in upcoming version updates. The skills measured for this exam can be found on the exam page but in short, your skills are measured over the following.
- Mitigate threats by using Microsoft 365 Defender (25–30%)
- Mitigate threats by using Defender for Cloud (15–20%)
- Mitigate threats by using Microsoft Sentinel (50–55%)
My Overall Experience in this Exam
My overall experience based on the examination result I received after taking this exam overall I scored a solid 800+ in this exam meaning I was on the higher stack of allot of individuals taking this certification, Microsoft exams are normally scored out of 1000 , this leads me to believe this certification would be very achievable if you put time and energy into getting familiar to the Microsoft 365 Defender , Defender for Cloud and heavy practice with Sentinel.
My two highest scoring areas were
- Mitigate threats by using Microsoft Sentinel (50–55%)
- Mitigate threats by using Microsoft 365 Defender (25–30%)
My one lower scoring areas were
- Mitigate threats by using Defender for Cloud (15–20%)
This led me to believe that the exam I received was heavily focused on Sentinel more so over defender and defender for cloud , a general rule of thump this exam essentially covers integration of sentinel with defender products and how the configuration should be completed , Microsoft does offer an applied skills lab based certification to complement this certification.
My library for study consisted of
- Microsoft Learn SC-200 Certification Learning Path
- Microsoft SC-200 Practice assessment on Microsoft Learn
- Measure Up SC-200 practice assessment
- SC-200 Study Cram John Savill YouTube
Best of Luck in Your Studies
#always learning